The Counties Heritage Foundation Save the 2024 Dates - Update
The Counties Heritage Foundation, as a charity, supports the arts and heritage in the four Counties of Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire and Rutland. In 2024, it enters its fourth year of operation. Its success is entirely due to your support. Thank you!
CHF is progressing three Conservation Projects this year. First is the 2024 Bursary scheme. Here, MA conservation students from the University of Lincoln are given “funded work-experience in conservation” placements with the National Trust. In 2023, three students were successful applicants for last year’s bursaries. One of these students, Alice Meigh, as a result of the bursary, has been offered the job of Object Conservator with a Bergen museum in Norway this year.
The second and third CHF projects are ongoing CHF conservation of historic decorative art projects. St Andrew’s church in Stoke Dry, Rutland has a nationally important medieval wall painting of St Edmund being Martyred by the Vikings – this delightful historic church is always open to the public so do go and see St Edmund – our patron saint before St George! The CHF is giving the church a grant this year to progress this wall painting’s preservation. Finally, there is the ongoing project of Withcote chapel, Leicestershire. CHF has been informed that its Pre-Reformation stain glass windows by Henry’V111’s glazier are of international, as well as of national, importance, plus its Grand Tour paintings. The beautiful Withcote Chapel itself is a miniature Kings College chapel in looks, but it is a sadly deteriorating building, dragging its contents with it. Do go and see it. The CHF is seeking expert advice on how it could be effective with any conservation of its contents there.
Please note:-
The CHF will publish booking details and information nearer the dates of the 2024 CHF events by email and on the website.
1st November - Drinks reception/Concert at Lamport Hall. The talented concert pianist Ana Gogava will play pieces by Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin and Rachmaninoff in the stunning High Room at Lamport Hall, preceded by a Drinks Reception in the candlelit Oak Room.
To be confirmed later - but do not miss these unique events!
1st December - Christmas Drinks Party at Gunthorpe Hall, in Rutland. An occasion to meet everyone!
I look forward to seeing you at these events
Best wishes
Rosemary Newman
Chair CHF on behalf of the trustees and committee